Press Ready Requirements
Supported files: PDF/X-1a, Adobe Illustrator eps, and Adobe Photoshop tiff (flattened)
All graphics should be 300 ppi at the actual printing size and in CMYK
Convert all Pantones to CMYK
Use support black for solid blacks: C 40 M 30 Y 30 K 100
Double check PDF for separation and overprint problems
Create registration/crop marks outside of the bleed area
Keep important information at least .5 inches from the trim edge
Preferred file delivery methods are FTP, Dropbox, WeTransfer, and e-mail if under 10mb.
Production Charges
Layout & Design
Full Page
$125Minor Changes
$35Major changes or full-scale design projects
$75 per hourProofing Color Match-print
$35 -
Send Your Files
Please email us the file name after the upload is complete.
To: jim@detjengroup.com
Cc: rross@intuiship.comOther options to send files: